Utu’s Design (simpler is better)

The design of the Utu protocol is an experiment in alternatives to the overly engineered designs from the IETF and the W3C. It starts from a set of theoretical bases and then builds a flexible yet simplified system for routing complex data structures to peers connected to Hubs.

The protocol challenges quite a few assumptions about networking, but does it for practical purposes. The decisions made in Utu weren’t simply to raise a middle-finger to the IETF. They were made to keep Utu simple without sacrificing flexibility and to achieve the goal of a trusted service for peer communication.

This document describes the Utu protocol in a mixture of humor, ranting, code, and specification language. It is meant as an entertaining and educational work of art that also describes the protocol. Because of this most engineer types will probably scream as their digitized thought processes stumble over the rhetoric hiding the real work. If you’re this type of person, just go read the code. There’s not much of it.

Challenging Cargo Cults

A lot of the work in Utu is challenging existing cargo cults that have become “standards” for no other reason than rampant hysterical social pressure. Typically when someone tells you that you believe in a “cargo cult” it’s because they want you to believe in their cult instead of the competitor’s version. I’m no different, but I’m also going to do the next step and give you evidence in the form of a functioning system and research results that you can verify to form your own opinion.

As an example, take the idea of using a “centralized” rather than “decentralized” architecture. The current cargo cult reaction is that a decentralized system (such as P2P file sharing) scales better in the face of attacks such as DDoS. The reasoning goes that if the system is spread out across all communicating peers then an attacker cannot flood the network. The most touted attack is the “fd exhaust” attack where a client connects with thousands of idle or slow connections and eat up the server’s available file descriptors.

The DDoS resistance stance for decentralized systems is dubious because you cannot trust all peers in such a system. While yes you do technically get thousands of “servers”, nothing prevents a company with similar resources from eating away at the P2P network from the inside doing the exact same attacks. What’s even more evil is now you have an additional insider attacker that is implicitly trusted by all peers and can do even more attacks. Throw in the additional complexity of getting this all right and you’ve got a huge recipe for vulnerability.

Centralized systems are considered fragile because there’s a “single point of failure” vulnerable to all sorts of evil. In the world of the P2P-cargo-cult people simply blindly carve all servers into either “decentralized-super-good-tons-of-bandwidth-protected-from-China-And-Russia” and “centralized-doomed-to-flood-old-school-Big-Brother-Loving”.

The problem with this false dichotomy is two fold: You can’t trust a decentralized system, and nothing says I can’t use a cluster of hubs as my centralized system. I mean seriously, the whole Utu project is GPL. You don’t have to use my Utu hubs. You can start your own, and in fact I’m looking to make linking between hubs easy in the same way it is with linking between web servers. The real question is whether people will trust your set of Hubs compared with mine?

The first problem of trusting a decentralized system like P2P is demonstrated daily when movie and music companies flood these networks with fake files, or simply collect information on the peers for later litigation. The primary rule in all cryptography and security is once the data is on another machine you cannot trust it. In a decentralized encrypted chat system you’d need to invent an incredibly complex shared keying system that itself is vulnerable to attack and is difficult to get right.

Evidence of this is found in the recent discovery of huge throttle points in the Tor network. If the Tor folks had studied even an introductory statistics course they would have known that a sample of just 15-30% of traffic would yield an 85-95% accuracy in most identification tasks. Since Tor is a “decentralized” system it easily falls victim to the rule that you cannot trust another computer with your data. All decentralized systems (and in a way centralized systems) have this flaw. Can’t get around it.

A centralized system doesn’t get around this flaw in a technical way, but instead in a social way. For better or worse, people can learn to trust a smaller group of consistently located systems that are run by a hopefully trusted organization. They know where google is and what it looks like. This doesn’t mean that centralized systems are more secure, it just means they’re easier to trust (remember, not boolean logic, degrees of effect).

The second misconception is that a “centralized” system means that it’s architected to be a single monolithic server. This false assumption is based on the latest vogue FUD being slung around about “old-school” protocol design that requires a single point of contact for all connected peers. It’s entirely false that a protocol like Utu cannot also have a group of trusted peers handling the load. It is a hub-peer design after all.

It’s this kind of illogical boolean perspective that the Utu protocol tries to challenge. In this case, the Utu design is such that it is “centralized” in the control, access and location; but decentralized in interaction. This means that there could 1000 hubs all handling the load and compensating, but still controlling which clients are allowed to connect and who they are.

In other words, with Utu you are connecting to the Hub as a trusted peer, and there could be any number of trusted peers.

Protocol Features

With a first taste of Utu’s flavor you can now appreciate the feature mix:

  • Encrypted messages using standard NIST or ISO cryptographic algorithms.
    • AES 32-byte (256 bits) symmetric cryptography for message encryption.
    • ECC 32-byte (256 bits) asymmetric cryptography for identity and authentication.
    • SHA256 hashes for all hash operations.
    • 128 bit random nonces rotated on each message.
    • ISO/IEC 11770-3 Mechanism 6 without the Helsinki vulnerability.
    • CCM based encryption with AAD for any unencrypted data.
    • Fortuna PRNG random number generation initialized from the system SPRNG.
  • Consistent directly measured framing format easily read by any computer.
  • Flexible yet efficient data format able to encode any XML or s-expression.
  • Novel routing mechanism that routes messages based on their shallow structure.
  • All data structures are trivial to parse and generate while still being efficient and human readable.
  • Completely open and documented code base freely available under the GPL.
  • A controlled mechanism for sender pays penalties to any peer abusing the network (this is the hate).

In the following sections we’ll describe each of these features. In any instance where this document differs from the official source then the source will be the winner.

Protocol Overview (opinions for all)

Traditionally when a protocol is described in an RFC or other standards document the protocol is described from the point of view that the standard is official rather than a working system. They attempt to define rather than describe. In practice this works but it isn’t an effective way to describe a protocol since it leaves too much interpretation.

In the HTTP protocol there’s so many sections and contradictory paragraphs that anyone can justify nearly any stupidity they’ve invented. A good example is the . The GWA ignores 10+ years of HTTP convention and 90% of the RFC which says a GET request operates exactly like a POST request, and instead they pull out one single paragraph to justify how GWA operates. Additionally GWA is effectively a proxy server but it ignores requirements to honor client requests exactly, not make additional requests, and other proxy trust factors.

Since no English language document could possibly resolve the ambiguities this document is a description of the protocol, not a specification. The specification is the heavily documented Utu source code. The code is written in a very literate style and you can effectively read 3-4 files to get the exact specification.

Wherever possible, this document will include code snippets to describe the protocol and reference other documents where appropriate.

Another approach for this description is to follow the (more successful) method of describing programming languages by starting with the lexical base, followed by the grammar, and finally the semantics of the protocol. Since the protocol parses text it follows that treating it like a compiler is a more consistent and theoretically solid description.

There is a slight intertwining in the protocol where you need to know about the framing, lexemes, and grammar for the protocol before you can learn about the cryptography, authentication and routing. These last three layers use the previous layers consistently, but you’ll first learn the bare unencrypted protocol followed by it’s encrypted form.

Before you really start to understand the Utu protocol and why it’s designed in it’s particular way you need to understand a few sacred cows being turned to coins.

Binary vs. Parsed Protocols

Programmers love putting all their lives into two tiny little baskets labeled true and false. When discussing the data formats transmitted between two computers these boolean logicians divide all things network into either “binary” or “parsed” protocols. Binary protocols are given the naive definition of “anything I can’t read” and parsed protocols are given the definition “anything I think I can read”.

CORBA is a binary protocol that breaks complex data structures down into ever more complex nestings of network normalized C structures. While the OMG says CORBA is an Object-Oriented protocol, it truly maps to what’s effectively a C-like data structure of bit fields, integers of certain lengths, and so on. This comes from CORBA’s very heavily C++ influenced heritage and the odd requirement to make C one of the first targetted languages.

However, binary protocols are painful because they’re very difficult to debug properly. You need specialized tools that can decode the protocol, which don’t exist when you first start to design the protocol. Classic chicken and egg problem which makes bootstrapping your first binary protocol a horrible operation. They also suck because they’re difficult to change later to support new data structures.

The binary protocol’s advantage its exact size (which means fewer or no buffer overflows), and its speed. An additional side effect of the difficulty implementing an binary protocol is that it’s usually much more accurately specified since you need to generate the actual processing and documentation from some kind of tool (similar to a parser generator).

Parsed protocol advocates claim that a protocol like HTTP which is touted as being “just a bunch of \r\n lines” which you can “hit with telnet”. This means that anyone can start writing an HTTP server and easily figure out from reading simple protocol dumps whether everything is functioning correctly. In theory the parsed protocol is superior because the speed loss compared with a binary protocol is offset by the developer productivity gained through the parsing simplicity.

Simplicity? Have these idiots actually read the HTTP standard? It’s like reading an obtuse ancient Teutonic myth filled with spelling errors where you never know who is talking to whom since characters have 10 names and nothing makes sense because you weren’t raised in Ancient Germany. Let’s just go over the some the lameness that is this paragon of parsed perfection:

  • It has 6 ways to frame the protocol: keep-alives, pipelining, chunked encoding, multi-part mime encoding, socket open/close, and header settings.
  • Multiple bizarre encoding methods that no human can possibly read.
  • Puts the burden of file type determination on the server, even though clients end up having to reinterpret the files again.
  • Authentication, authorization, and security are so poorly defined that everyone just does it in their application layer.
  • SSL was written when clients were infinitely less powerful than servers. Now we have Russia. Oh dear.
  • Accepts bizarre multi-line strings in the headers which completely violate the myth that it’s a cleanly \r\n ended protocol.
  • Ever tried to debug a failing client that uses SSL? Oh, all that parsing and “human readability” isn’t so useful now is it?

Of course real purists will argue that HTTP isn’t a good example of a parsed protocol, but it is the one that all the new kids try to emulate. Recent examples aren’t much better with Stomp, BEEP, SIP, and other similar “just like HTTP” protocols coming out with all the same flaws.

A Nuanced Middle Way

The real answer is of course neither of the above advocated solutions but both in sparing amounts. It’s not about “binary” vs. “parsed” but rather a question of how the protocol is layered to support its purpose. You might have a mix of binary and parsed elements simply because that’s what you find in the real world. By employing simple binary elements and clean consistent parsing formats that follow compiler design theory (rather than “hacker with telnet theory”) you get a clean and simple design.

As you read the rest of this document, just assume that the junk you were taught about either binary or parsed formatting is bogus. It’s a false dichotomy created as an illusion of depth for a problem that’s actually solved by a slightly different more nuanced approach.

Currently Computer Science is a field with no depth of philosophy. The majority of debates and research in the field focuses on these kinds of arbitrarily created distinctions when the real situations could provide much more research prosperity. Simply taking the example of “binary” vs. “parsed” you can see that the real problems are much more complex and nuanced, with problems ranging from how best to encode data, all the way to how such new technology could influence human behavior or even whole societies.

Circling around shallow little binary arguments like this is the research equivalent of picking the last piece of cartilage from the back of a dead gazelle.

The ISO 7-Layer-Dung-Pile

I’m sure you may have taken a networking course in college and the professor tested you on every bizarre nuance of the ISO 7-Layer Protocol Stack:

  1. Physical—Ethernet (sort of)
  2. Data Link—IP and Ethernet (sort of)
  3. Network—IP (sort of)
  4. Transport—TCP (sort of)
  5. Session—Application
  6. Presentation—Application
  7. Application—Application

Experts finally started questioning this model after they realized its only use is producing difficult test questions on exams in MBA weed-out courses. The problem is that the standard was designed by telecom companies without any real knowledge of packet switched networking. If you read the history, it was created by the European dominated OSI group in the 1980’s as a way to standardize how the world should communicate.

That word should is important, since it didn’t describe anything that actually existed. This is different from most early IETF protocols which describe how the world communicated already. IETF protocols were thus usually easier to implement and test since there’s almost a working functioning reference implementation.

Building the OSI abstract model based on nothing in particular results in some wicked flaws:

  • Too many redundant error reporting and correction levels.
  • Lower layers bleed into the upper layers.
  • The dictates of layers 5-7 completely violate usability standards used today.
  • The protocol assumes a strict circuit based rather than packet based routing and connection mechanism.
  • It has poor disconnect recovery due to the bleeding of lower layers. Connection goes down and so does the whole stack.
  • The Application layer (final layer) is overbearing and antiquated considering modern operating system and UI trends.
  • The security model is at multiple layers and assumes that clients have much less power than servers (which is the same with most TCP/IP stacks too).
  • The layers are so oddly named and vague that nobody can ever remember their ordering or purpose save the most ardent pedants.

When I describe protocol design to newbies, I tell them to go look at the ISO model with these flaws in mind. Then I explain that what they’re effectively designing in their application is layer 5-7. The difference is how you approach the problem of the last 3 layers.

Framing, Security, Parsing, Semantics

Rather than the 7-layer model, I advocate a “Framing, Security, Parsing, Semantics” model (going from top to bottom):

  • Semantics—The human and computational meaning of the parsing results.
  • Parsing—Translating the transmitted data according to a lexical and grammatical specification creating machine processable data structures.
  • Security—Encryption, validation, and authentication, and authorization.
  • Framing—The application level frame for the data being transmitted.
  • Network (TCP/IP)—The transmission medium (no matter what mechanism).

If we map onto this model the 7-layer burrito we get:

  1. Physical—Ethernet (sort of)
  2. Data Link—IP and Ethernet (sort of)
  3. Transport—TCP (sort of)
  4. Network—IP (sort of)
  5. Session—Framing (maybe Security?)
  6. Presentation—Parsing
  7. Application—Semantics (maybe more Security?)

Notice security doesn’t really fit on the 7-layers? In the OSI model it’s either not clearly defined because encryption was considered an evil thing in the 1980’s, or it’s spread out all over the place in a big mess. Security is an odd cross cutting concern but it is still something that you can clearly spread between the layers since it’s such a large component. The basic solution is to extend the concept of end-to-end-security all the way through the stack.


Just like the frame of a picture or a house, protocols must have a structure within which the lexical, semantic, and grammatical elements are safely placed. Framing is the process of setting the boundaries of each application level message, and where the message’s component parts exist. Currently this is done with either a fully binary data structure for all data, or with a parsed protocol that has escape clauses with a few rare exceptions.

The real issue in TCP/IP or UDP/IP is that existing framing is designed to frame the IP layer not the application layer. In TCP/IP the IP packets contain a TCP binary header that adds additional routing, packet length, and other frame information. However, this information only applies to the current TCP/IP connection and the packets being transmitted. The application using TCP/IP is at the mercy of routers, bridges, firewalls, translation networks, latency, and security of the TCP/IP protocol.

If the application needs to send 10 megabytes of data, it must tell the receiving end where the data over the TCP/IP stream begins and ends. With original HTTP 1.0 this was simply “it starts when I open the socket and ends when I close”. This actually works pretty well, but doesn’t scale when the messages are small or require session state maintained between them.

HTTP 1.1 went horribly wrong when it added an insane number of framing mechanisms all formatted within mockeries of the original HTTP 1.0 specification. Chunked encodings, keep-alives, pipelining, etc. are all doing exactly the same thing: determining the boundary of the messages.

However, the simplest way to bound a message is to simply send an integer. That’s it. Just send 2-bytes or 4-bytes of binary data in a network neutral format and the receiving end knows all it needs. It knows the exact length of this size specifier, it knows the format (network byte order), and then it knows the exact length of the data to come.

Another solution is to send a set of ASCII digits (as advocated by Dan J. Bernstein in netstrings) to specify the size. Utu actually uses this mechanism inside the framed message since it’s a parsed method of pre-sizing strings. The issue with using this in the initial size bytes is it doesn’t have a fixed size. This means it must have a max size, be translated or parsed, and can lead to buffer overflows.

The framing in Utu is kept small since it’s designed to handle fast small messages routed between users. Utu uses an unsigned short 2-byte integer in network byte order as its framing, and all messages always have this initial binary data.

Finally, a very important reason for forcing all peers to declare the data they send, and keeping the max they can send small is to prevent DDoS attacks. With HTTP and other parsed stream protocols a client could connect and theoretically send gigabytes of header information. Most web servers create weird sliding window buffer schemes to protect against this efficiently. The Utu Hub and clients all know exactly how much is sent, and it’s limited to 64k. If the a peer doesn’t want to handle that much or can’t handle it then they abort. End of problem.


Most protocols are described from the perspective of a hacker talking to a server over telnet. They specify myriad sequences of interactions between peers in a conversational way. This is fine for simple protocols that have clear single request/response patterns. For more complicated protocols with long sessions this isn’t accurate enough.

This method of describing protocols also leads to weird vague hand written parsers using illogically structured syntax. Rather than continually boil down the protocol to the simplest logical structuring that can work, hackery-telnet-infected-IETF protocols are continually built up to satisfy all constituents.

However, there’s a very well established method of designing text processing systems: compiler design. It’s a theory that has solid mathematics behind it, has existed for 30+ years, is logical, easy to follow, and actually has tools. Yes, other programs that can tell you if your protocol isn’t written well or (gasp) can tell you exactly where any message has an error and how to fix it.

Wouldn’t it be great if the real solution to debugging a protocol was to simply use a parser that could tell you where any error was and why that was an error? Hell it even works when there’s encryption since it just tells you where the error happened after decryption. Beats scanning tons of HTTP headers with your lying tired human eyes any day.

There’s one slight catch to the proposal to use a parser generated by parser generator tools: you can skip one part of this process by using a format similar to s-expressions from the LISP world. An s-expression uses a consistent simplified set of lexical elements and a very simple set of structuring rules to encode just about any data structure you want. It does this without really needing any kind of parser you might use in a heavy language like Java or C++. Instead since the rules are so consistent and so simple you can write the parser by hand (as demonstrated in nearly every LISP book).


Back in the day I did a joke XML alternative called Stackish which converted s-expressions into a FORTH stack based form instead. This simplified the processing even further since a stack based language can be parsed by a computer without any effort at all. Consistency in s-expressions removes the need to have a parser generator, and stack organization removes the need to maintain intermediate data structures during parsing. Since it’s in stack order already you just walk the tree using very simple little rules during parsing.

It was a joke, but then when I implemented it I found that it’s damn useful. Stackish parses at about 2x the speed of the fastest s-expression libraries I could find. It is still human readable, and not totally horrible to look at and certainly no worse than the crap shoved into HTTP these days.

Wait there’s more:

  • You know when you’re done parsing the stream since at the end you’re at the root of the tree structure.
  • Stackish contains the majority of types you need like floating point, unsigned integers, strings, and BLOBs (binary large object blocks) and any other structuring you’d find in an s-expression.
  • The BLOBs are also encoded pre-sized using a format similar to DJB’s netstrings.
    • This means they act as a validation step, can contain arbitrary data of any format, and can easily wrap Stackish inside Stackish without special case encoding (like CDATA in XML).

With all these advantages it seemed like it might be fun to try and use Stackish.


Taken from the original Stackish paper I wrote, the tokens (lexemes) are very simply:

Token Description
NUMBER A simple unsigned integer type that’s just any series of digits.
FLOAT A simple floating point type.
STRING A string is double quotes with anything inside that’s not a ”.
MARK Marks a point in the stack that demarcates the boundary for a nested group.
WORD Marks the root node of a group, with the other end being the nearest MARK.
GROUP Acts as the root node of an anonymous group.
ATTRIBUTE Assigns an attribute name to the previously processed node. This means that just about anything can be an attribute, unlike in XML.
BLOB A simple alternate string form that pre-sizes the string contents similar to DJB’s netstrings.
SPACE White space is basically ignored.

These tokens are implemented using Ragel with the following code:

number = digit+; float = ('-' | '+')? digit+ "." digit+; string = '"' (any -- '"')* '"'; start = "["; word = alpha+ (alnum | '-' | '_' | '.' | ':')*; blob = "'" digit+ ":" "'"; group = "]"; attrib = "@" word;

This is the Ragel expressions minus the action statements, but it’s not that different from the real code in the specification.

There are some interesting points you can see in this specification:

  1. Strings can have anything that’s not a ” (double-quote).
    1. There is no escaping of ” since you can just use a BLOB.
  2. Only unsigned integers (specifically uint64_t) are supported.
  3. Float is simplified not supporting any scientific notation.
  4. Words can contain – (dash), _ (underscore), and : (colon) chars. formats.
  5. BLOBs can be huge since there’s no limit on the length specifier. This is a danger if framing isn’t available to bound it.


With the tokens defined, we can then define the grammar. Stackish is a FORTH or PostScript style stack based data language however, so the grammar is almost a direct translation of each token to an operation performed on a tree structure.

First off, our “grammar” is specified by the following ragel code:

stackish = (space+ | number >mark %number | float >mark %float | string | start @start | word >mark %word | blob | group @group | attrib >mark %attrib)**;

NOTE: This ragel syntax, with >,%,@ meaning call that action at specific times.

Yes, this is all of it. The rest is simply the code to implement the appropriate actions for building the data structures. This simply tells Ragel that a stackish document is a greedy sequence of any lexemes. At each lexeme the parser then calls one of several actions to process either that lexeme, or restructure the current tree.

In the above you’ll notice that string and blob don’t have a set of actions after them. This is because they have their actions embedded inside their definitions so that they can carve out their internal data easier. Otherwise string and blob work the same with marking the start (>mark) and then calling an action at the end (@string or @blob).

For now you can ignore >mark as just being how the parser starts a lexeme for later snapping out of the input string. In the original Stackish document I referred to the term “mark” to mean “the start of a new group”. In the parser this is the @start action to differentiate it from the common mark parsing operation.

Finally, we just cover each operation to complete the grammar specification. Read the original document to get a more in-depth description of how this all works, but you should be able to follow this code taken from the Ragel specification. (NOTE: The following code is simplified without error handling so that it is easier to read.)

These actions simply push Nodes of the given type onto the current tree as children:

action number { push(NUMBER, mark, fpc); } action float { push(FLOAT, mark, fpc); } action string { push(STRING, mark, fpc); } action blob { push(BLOB, mark, fpc); }

Then for each of the word, group, and attrib types there’s a simple tree processing operation that does the required transform operation:

# Starts a new node with the "current" node as the parent. action start { handle_start(parser); } # Moves the parser to start adding children to the current node # after naming it with the given name (thus adding depth). action word { handle_word(parser, PTR_TO(mark), LEN(mark, fpc)); } # Exactly the same as word but without a name. action group { handle_group(parser)); } # Names the most recent child node with this name. action attrib { handle_attr(parser, PTR_TO(mark), LEN(mark, fpc)); }

NOTE: Need better explanation or demo of how these operations work.

The above structure operations are very simple, with handle_word being the most complex and handle_group being a single line special case of handle_word. All they do is build the correct new Node branch for that group type.

That’s the entire grammar specification for Utu. There is more code you can read but this makes up the actual specification for how a Stackish document is converted into a tree of Nodes for processing.

Example Parsing

It’s difficult to visualize this without an example, so let’s say you have the following stackish:

[ [ "hello" 123 @id 4.5 @ratio data [ '5:12345' key root

Which demonstrates all the relevant lexemes, so when it’s tokenized you have this:

[ [ "hello" 123 @id 4.5 @ratio data [ '5:12345' key root START START STRING NUMBER ATTRIB FLOAT ATTRIB WORD START BLOB WORD ROOT

This is then parsed using the given operations from the grammar:

  1. START group (eventually named root)
    1. START child (eventually named data)
    2. push “hello”
    3. push 123
    4. take 123 and name it @id
    5. push 4.5
    6. take 4.5 and name it @ratio
    7. WORD names this data
  2. back at root
    1. START child
    2. push BLOB
    3. WORD names this key
  3. back at root
  4. WORD names this root

This is seriously all there is to stackish. Since it’s already in the right order the extent of processing involves nothing more than following the nodes for each lexeme and doing the right operation on it. The final result from the above processing is:

  • root
    • data
      • @ratio=4.5
      • @id=123
      • “hello”
    • key
      • ‘5:12345’

Remember that these are pushed in stack order which is why “hello” is at the end.

Payload and Canonicalization

Stackish is designed to be used in an encrypted environment and to support this it has some very strict yet simple canonicalization rules. Parsed formats are notoriously difficult to encrypt because they can be interpreted by the sender and the receiver differently.

The entire ruleset for the payload structure and how it’s canonicalized is:

  1. Each frame contains 2 stackish structures only.
    1. The first stackish is an unencrypted but authenticated header.
    2. The second stackish is an encrypted payload envelope with tag.
    3. The decrypted “opened” envelope contains a single stackish.
  2. Both stackish structures are canonicalized.
    1. All lexemes have one space after them.
    2. Always ends in a single \n newline character.
    3. This means the end of a stackish is a ” \n”.
  3. Order matters for every child element, even attributes.


“Semantics” in the case of Utu’s Stackish protocol have a similar problem to that with s-expressions. Since the “code is data” in the protocol, what happens when you send messages depends on the messages and what the Hub will do with them.


The Utu Hub (server) is designed to be very simple but still allow for complex interactions. After trying many different models I implemented what I’m calling “structure routing”. Another term for this might be “pattern matching” you’d find in Haskell, Erlang, or some LISP variants. Structure routing works like this:

  1. When a message is sent the Hub matches it against the root node name, and all the immediate children.
    1. [ [ child1 [ child2 [ root would match root/child1/child2
  2. The Hub maintains a routing tree internally that tracks all members (peers) interested in that route.
  3. The Hub walks the root and children on each message, and when it find the terminal node it delivers that message to each registered member.

That’s the whole process. Registering for interest in a particular message involves sending a message to the route registration service (see Services below) and then you start receiving them.

The only exception is services are also registered in this tree to provide operations that members can use to control their Hub session. In this case nobody can register for these routings and trying to will get you booted.

One interesting (or debatable) thing is that you don’t have to register to a routing to send a message to it. This is to allow for the various ways that peers might publish and subscribe. Think in terms of a member-to-member message like in IM. If you allow anyone to send then you can use the above routing mechanism to support group interaction or members. With groups everyone registers on the same routing. With member-to-member you just send to a standard member “mailbox” and don’t actually join it.


Services use the routing mechanism to provide ways for the peers to control their session with the Hub. The services provide route registrations, membership control, information, data, and anything else people might need in their hub.

A sample of available services in the Hub right now are:

Registration registrations[] = { { "[ [ register route ", Hub_route_register_cb }, { "[ [ unregister route ", Hub_route_unregister_cb }, { "[ [ members route ", Hub_route_members_cb }, { "[ [ children route ", Hub_route_children_cb }, { "[ [ register member ", Hub_member_register_cb }, { "[ [ mendicate member ", Hub_member_mendicate_cb }, { "[ [ invite member ", Hub_member_invite_cb }, { "[ [ send member ", Hub_member_send_cb }, { "[ [ get info ", Hub_info_get_cb }, { "[ [ list info ", Hub_info_list_cb }, { "[ [ tag info ", Hub_info_tag_cb }, { "[ [ ping system ", Hub_system_ping_cb }, { NULL, NULL} };

All you do to use any of these services is simply send a message to them with the data they need. For example, registering to the Hub is done with:

[ [ [ [ [ room:help chat register route msg

The hub peels off msg since that’s stock Utu messaging, follows route, then register to get to the route/register handler. That handler is then given the message [ [ room:help chat which it then takes and tells the Hub to register for this member.

Even right now the existing clients work this way, just registering with the hub for very simply routings and nothing more. They could register for more specific routings that have nothing to do with chat.


Membership is currently being worked on. The goal is for it to complete the member services.


Hate is the main feature that people are fascinated with in Utu since it’s the method that a Hub uses to throttle misbehaving peers. It’s an odd concept not found in other systems that’s not even finished in the Hub yet itself.

Hate in Utu is simple: The Hub sends a peer a challenge they need to answer before they can continue talking, with the challenge being some form of difficult cryptographic operation that is guaranteed to take time.

The real difficulty in describing Utu’s hate system is that there are two sides to the problem. First there’s the cryptographic math that enforces the technical side. Second there’s the way this base cryptography is used to allow members to control the social network of peers. This second part isn’t concrete yet, so we’ll only cover the cryptographic basis only.

The Hate challenge is done using a simple SHA256 hash repeatedly until a randomly selected number is discovered. The random number is selected within a known range, and has a known component, but otherwise what makes it difficult is the fact that the receiver has to repeatedly SHA256. It’s done like this:

  1. Challenger calculates a 128 bit random number this is cut in half to a left and right 64 bit number.
  2. Challenger takes 1/2 of the random number, and scales it down via % level.
    1. val.num.right = val.num.right % level_max
  3. Challenger hashes this resulting number with the right side scaled down using SHA256.
  4. Challenger sends an ECC signed message with: level, left known side, right side 0, resulting hash, ECC signature.

The receiver’s job is to cycle through all possible numbers of right side up to the level until they find the result:

  1. Receiver takes out the signature, hash, nonce (with right side = 0), and level.
  2. Validates the ECC signature is valid for the hash. The prevents just anyone from sending an arbitrary challenge.
  3. Receiver then goes from 0 to 2^level numbers, performing a SHA256 hash on the nonce resulting from the known left and the guessed right sides.
  4. Once the matching number is found they’ve met the challenge, and can return the response.
  5. Receiver signs their answer hash (must validate this is ok) and returns the full nonce with both left and discovered right, the hash, and signature to prove they did the work.

At this point the challenger simple needs to verify the signature, and confirm that the full nonce returned is the one expected. Once that’s completed they know the receiver did the work and they can continue on.


Currently there’s a vulnerability in how the ECC signatures might be used. The challenger and receiver are only signing the full nonce hash. This is fine for the challenger since this hash is from the challenge nonce. It’s kind of stupid for the receiver though since they’re just really signing the exact same hash. This may change up later so that they hash just the right side as proof, although it’s not too bad since this is an asymmetric signature so they at least prove identity.

Usage In Utu

The hate challenge above will be used by the Hub to make peers pay to slow other peers down (hate them), and to make hated peers throttle down as punishment. The tricky part is that this portion of Utu’s functionality is heavily influenced by random social concerns. There hasn’t been a solid design that is foolproof and most likely there won’t be. Instead, using this as the basis of simple throttling will allow the Utu project to adapt it’s social control mechanisms as they need to change.


The security in Utu is done based on the best practices available, but also it’s using existing established standards for new uses. The #1 rule when doing security is don’t invent your own algorithms. Utu uses only established algorithms for cryptography and authentication, so it should have a solid foundation.

The problem is you should not trust anything that’s not validated and reviewed by many people who are qualified to review it. This is one of the reasons why the project is completely open source and GPL. Hopefully with enough smart people looking for holes the protocol will be tight.

I guarantee that there will be security vulnerabilities in Utu for some time to come. This documentation is to give interested people more tools to attack Utu and try to find holes.

Don’t rely on Utu to keep your traffic secure and safe (which is kind of dumb since it’s a Hub with a broadcast semantic).


As mentioned in the features section the cryptography used in Utu is nothing really fascinating or wild. It consists of existing known algorithms implemented by Tom St. Denis in LibTomCrypt rather than on my own. Tom’s library has been used extensively in very secure projects and commercial products, but again it’s open so you can review it yourself.

  • Encrypted messages using standard NIST or ISO cryptographic algorithms.
    • AES 32-byte (256 bits) symmetric cryptography for message encryption.
    • ECC 32-byte (256 bits) asymmetric cryptography for identity and authentication.
    • SHA256 hashes for all hash operations.
    • 128 bit random nonces rotated on each message.
    • ISO/IEC 11770-3 Mechanism 6 without the Helsinki vulnerability for authentication and key exchange.
    • CCM based encryption with AAD for any unencrypted data.
    • Fortuna PRNG random number generation initialized from the system SPRNG.

The encrypted Stackish payloads are encrypted using Stackish as well in order to reduce the number of moving parts in the protocol. This consistency makes for a bit of weirdness since you need to understand Stackish to understand how it’s encoded when encrypted. The simplest rule set is the following:

  1. Stackish canonicalized header is given as the Additional Authenticated Data (AAD) but not encrypted.
  2. Stackish body is taken and removed from the payload and canonicalized.
  3. The CCM encryption process is performed on the AAD header, nonce, and body to perform the AES encryption and produce the final tag.
  4. The body is discarded and replaced with the newly encrypted envelope.
    1. The envelope has the format [ ‘X:body’ ‘X:tag’ env so it’s easily parsed out.

The decryption process is basically the inverse of this using the raw header as-is to validate the AAD and encrypted tag. The CCM operation validates that the header isn’t tampered with, the expected nonce was valid, and the body is validated and decrypted. If the tag doesn’t match then something in the message was altered and the message is discarded with the client disconnected.

Only One Algorithm?

Utu uses algorithms that are established, approved, implemented, and in operation with tons of governments and corporations. If there’s an error in how these algorithms are implemented then Utu will be fixed and upgraded and all clients will have to upgrade or go to hell. Keep your stuff fixed or go home.

However, if one of the approved algorithms above (like AES, ECC, CCM, etc.) are found to have vulnerabilities the world is screwed anyway. Vulnerabilities in these algorithms will mean that many other algorithms are also vulnerable and could result in nothing short of the implosion of the world.

So, either it’s something that can be fixed, and having an enforced upgrade policy with the Utu project providing the mendicant to everyone (making upgrades easier) or we’re all screwed anyway and having 10 other vulnerable algorithms won’t help much.

Anyway, I thought complexity was the root of security problems. Why would I then add 200 algorithms to show off my ability to read a crypto book? Hell some programmers even include broken algorithms just to show off their skills.

It’s just better to keep it very simple and vanilla so it’s easier to audit.


Taken from the crypto.c source comments to be edited soon.

Utu implements ISO/IEC 11770-3 Mechanism 6 (but NOT the vulnerable Helsinki version) for our key exchange and peer authentication. This mechanism is characteristic in that it uses asymmetric crypto only as the means of doing mutual authentication and mutual key agreement. One thing that isn’t clear in the descriptions is whether the final Nr nonce returned by I should be sent unencrypted, encrypted with Er, or encrypted with the agreed key(s). I’ve decided to send it back as Er(Nr) but I’m not sure of the security of this. In the sequence of operations Nr stays encrypted throughout and this keeps it from being seen.

R: N,PubR 
I: PubI,Er(I,Kir,Ni) 
R: Ei(R,Kri,Ni,Nr) 
I: Er(Nr)

The notation is R_ for “receiver” and _I for “initiator” rather than A and B. This is particularly important as, if we reverse the roles then the initiator is able to force the receiver to both do the encryption work and waste precious randomness. With the roles situated this way the initiator is forced to perform encryption first and waste randomness making it slightly more difficult to cause the receiver to do wasted work.

An additional benefit is that if the client doesn’t behave well (like closing the connection right before sending the last message) then the server can officially ban them since they had to create a valid message with their private key. The only time when someone could cause another client to be blocked in this case is if they can get that person’s private key and forge messages, which means the key is compromised and therefore should be blocked anyway.

After the final Nr nonce is sent back and verified both parties use the given random keys as their send/recv keys. This is done rather than hashing the two for a common key in order to avoid requiring a hashing algorithm to be required by the library.

WARNING: The first message R sends includes a temporary randomly generated nonce that is publicly viewable. This is needed so that the LTC shared ECC key won’t be vulnerable for that first encryption. This nonce is only used for that one first message and is discarded for the encrypted nonce after that.

Additionally, the nonces are 16 bytes but represented as two uint64_t integers. The two nonces that are exchanged encrypted are simply incremented for each message after that and are never retransmitted.

Finally, the public keys are obviously being exchanged in public, it’s up to the person using the library to present the user with a key fingerprint they can use to make sure that they are connecting to the right receiver, and you should store known keys to detect later tampering. When you use the utumendicant program you are given these fingerprints to display.


Utu currently allows anyone to connect, but future versions will have strict authorization and potentially reject connections from people who are labeled as trouble makers.


Currently Utu logs all of the state transitions in the internal state machines and all message routing activity. Since the system is open and not performing any real authentication it doesn’t do any more audit logging than that.

Known Vulnerabilities (Jun 6 2007)

This lists the currently known or purposeful vulnerabilities in the protocol:

  1. Right now the message sequence IDs in the header start at 1. This is for debugging the Hub in the early stages and will be changed later.
  2. No version is given by the clients when they connect so it’ll need to be added soon to block old or vulnerable clients.
  3. Each message received does not have the full key/id of the sender. This will change when full membership is implemented.
  4. Members can pick any name they want and join randomly. It’s not invite only yet so people can play with it and test.